Empowering Students for Career Success: Villanova's Innovative Approach

In this episode of Changing Higher Ed, Dr. Drumm McNaughton talks with Kevin Grubb, Associate Vice Provost for Career and Professional Development at Villanova University, about the innovative ways Villanova is preparing students for a successful start to their careers and setting them up to beat the odds of 43% under employment for many college graduates. Learn how Villanova embeds career readiness skills into the curriculum and prioritizes student well-being throughout the process.


Key Discussion Points

Preparing Students for Career Success from Orientation Onward:

Using the Clifton Strengths Assessment to help students develop a strengths-based mindset.

Research demonstrating the positive impact of strengths-based programming on student outcomes.


High-Tech, High-Touch Approach:

Villanova's balanced approach to career education, combining technology and personal interaction to enhance student career preparedness.

The responsible, effective, and ethical use of generative AI in crafting resumes and cover letters, and decoding job descriptions.

Embedding Career Readiness Skills into the Curriculum:

Providing career assessments and resources throughout the student journey.

Offering for-credit courses on job search skills, networking, and professional development.

Involving faculty in teaching career readiness competencies and integrating them into coursework.


Addressing Student Well-Being through Career Readiness:

Recognizing career readiness as a significant source of stress and concern for students.

Proactively supporting students throughout their journey to alleviate stress and promote well-being.


Three Key Takeaways for Higher Education Presidents and Boards

Embed career development into the student experience, making it a core component rather than an optional activity.

Prioritize student well-being by acknowledging the stress associated with career readiness and providing proactive support.

Embrace generative AI to benefit students and better prepare them for the future, while addressing its use thoughtfully.


Final Thoughts 

The episode highlights Villanova's innovative approach to preparing students for career success. By embedding career readiness into the curriculum, using strengths-based learning and career focus, leveraging tools like AI, and prioritizing student well-being, Villanova is setting an example for other institutions looking to empower their students for the future. The insights shared offer valuable guidance for higher education leaders seeking to enhance their career readiness initiatives.


Read the transcript on our website: https://changinghighered.com/beyond-career-and-job-ready-graduates-beating-underemployment-odds/


About Our Guest

Kevin Grubb serves as the Associate Vice Provost for Professional Development and Chief Career Officer at Villanova University. He spearheads the strategic vision for career and professional development, aiming for top-notch career outcomes for students and alumni. His role includes integrating support across various university sectors, contributing to Villanova's national acclaim in career services and professional development.

His leadership has earned recognition from prestigious organizations, including the National Association of Colleges & Employers and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Grubb, a respected figure in the field, has received accolades for his contributions to career services and college recruiting from several bodies, including LinkedIn and Strada Education Network.

He holds a BS in Psychology, an MA in Higher Education Administration, and a certificate in Leadership in Performance Coaching. Grubb is an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation and a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach, demonstrating his commitment to professional excellence and leadership.

Kevin Grubb on LinkedIn →


About the Host

Dr. Drumm McNaughton is a consultant to higher education institutions in governance, accreditation, strategy and change, and mergers. To learn more about his services and other thought leadership pieces, visit his firm’s website: https://changinghighered.com/.

The Change Leader’s Social Media Links

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drdrumm/ Twitter: @thechangeldr Email: [email protected]

#VillanovaUniversity #HigherEducation #CareerReady