The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) released its comprehensive report titled "Political Interference and Academic Freedom in Florida's Public Higher Education System." This report marks a critical juncture in the AAUP's history, being one of only eight special reports issued, and underscores a growing concern over political interference in the realm of academic governance.

Hank Reichman, co-author of the report and co-chair of AAUP, joins the Changing Higher Ed podcast to discuss the report and provides details about Governor DeSantis's legislative efforts to control what can be taught, how it's taught and who teaches, particularly attacking faculty rights and tenure.

The report includes the specific case of the hostile takeover of New College, describing it as a blueprint for potential future encroachments on public colleges and universities across the United States.

McNaughton and Reichman cover the processes and conclusions of the AAUP report, emphasizing the detrimental effects on academic governance, academic freedom, and the well-being of faculty and students.

  Podcast Overview

Unpacking the AAUP Report: A Critical Look at Political Interference in Florida's Higher Education:

·       The rarity of such comprehensive reports by AAUP, with only eight instances in its history, three of which occurred in the last three years.

·       The specific case of Florida under Governor DeSantis's administration highlights legislative and administrative actions perceived as politically motivated attacks on academic freedom, faculty rights, and tenure.

Investigation Approach:

·       Conducting over 65 interviews with various stakeholders, including faculty, students, alumni, and former presidents, while noting challenges in engaging current administrators and political leaders.

Major Findings:

·       The hostile takeover of New College is a model for potential future actions in other institutions.

·       Academic administrators' failure to contest or, in some cases, complicity in these attacks.

·       Legislative actions are collectively seen as an effort to enforce a narrow political ideology.

·       The chilling effect of these actions on academic freedom and the higher education environment.

Human Impact:

·       The emotional and professional toll on faculty and students, with significant faculty departures and declining academic standards.

·       The broader implications for the quality of higher education in Florida and potential nationwide consequences.


Key Takeaways for University Presidents and Boards:


Thoroughly Review the Report: University presidents, administrators, provosts, deans, and other leaders actively engage with the contents of the report. Don't just skim through it; understand its implications for your institution and its broader impact on academic freedom.

Build Resilience and Courage: Leaders in higher education are strongly urged to cultivate the strength to face political pressures. This involves developing a steadfast approach to defending the rights and freedoms of your institutions, faculty, and students against politically motivated pressures.

Stand Up for Academic Integrity: When confronted with situations that threaten academic freedom or the integrity of your institution, take a clear and firm stand, even if it entails personal or professional risks. Demonstrating leadership in such situations is crucial.

Voice Your Concerns Publicly: In Florida, it's mostly retired university presidents who are making statements against these issues. Encourage not only retired but also current university leaders to speak out against political interference. Public statements from active leaders can have a significant impact and inspire others to follow suit.


Final Thoughts

The critical nature of the current situation in higher education is a pivotal moment in the history of institutions. We are reminded that what's happening in Florida is not just an isolated issue but a warning sign of the potential nationwide impact of political interference in academia. Leaders in higher education are urged to recognize the severity of this crisis and respond with conviction and strength. It's a call to action for maintaining the integrity and freedom of our academic institutions against partisan politics, ensuring these values are upheld for future generations.


Read the transcript on our website →


About Our Podcast Guest

Henry “Hank” Reichman is the chair of the American Association of University of Professors’ Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure and a professor emeritus of history at California State University, East Bay. Hank co-authored the AAUP report, "Political Interference and Academic Freedom in Florida's Public Higher Education System," released on December 6, as co-chair of a special investigating committee.


About the Host

Dr. Drumm McNaughton, host of Changing Higher Ed®, is a consultant to higher education institutions in governance, accreditation, strategy and change, and mergers. To learn more about his services and other thought leadership pieces, visit his firm’s website:


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