This episode of Changing Higher Ed explores the win-win partnership between universities and organizations like The Oasis Institute, which is dedicated to lifelong learning and community engagement for older adults. 

Host Drumm McNaughton interviews Paul Weiss, President of The Oasis Institute, about the benefits of engaging seniors in higher education, from enriching classrooms to fostering community connections.


Key Points:


The growing need for lifelong learning: As the population ages, universities face a crucial opportunity to cater to older adults seeking to continue learning and engage with their communities.

The Oasis Institute: A national non-profit promoting healthy aging through lifelong learning, health programs, and civic engagement, including an intergenerational literacy tutoring program.

Benefits for universities:

§  Research opportunities: OASIS programs offer fertile ground for research across various disciplines.

§  Enriched classrooms: Older adult learners bring unique perspectives and enthusiasm, fostering vibrant learning environments.

§  Financial benefits: Engaging older adults, a significant philanthropic demographic, can lead to increased support and legacy gifts.

§  Improved public perception: Universities demonstrate commitment to serving all age groups, strengthening community ties.

Strategies for success:

§  Develop and share content: Collaborate with organizations like OASIS to fill curriculum gaps, benefiting both institutions and the community.

§  Offer intergenerational learning: Explore tutoring programs or co-housing arrangements to create meaningful interactions between generations.

§  License specialized curricula: Utilize expertise from organizations like OASIS to address the specific needs of older learners.

Beyond education: Universities can support older adults in various ways:

§  Advocacy: Older adults can become powerful advocates for public funding if they feel connected to universities.

§  Mentorship: Programs like OASIS's intergenerational tutoring demonstrate the potential for older adults to mentor youth, fostering community and support.



Three Key Takeaways for Higher Education Presidents and Boards: Acknowledge and embrace the role of universities in serving the entire community, including the aging population, to foster a more inclusive approach to education and engagement.

Prepare for the demographic shift towards an older population, necessitating strategic adjustments in educational offerings and services to meet the needs of this growing demographic.

Explore and invest in the field of older adult education as a ripe area for innovation and research, leveraging the university's resources to enhance the quality of life for seniors. Final Thoughts

This episode underscores the significance of integrating seniors into the higher education ecosystem, highlighting the mutual benefits of such engagements. Weiss’s leadership at The Oasis Institute exemplifies the potential for educational institutions to serve not just traditional student demographics but the broader community through innovative partnerships. For higher education leaders, the insights shared offer a compelling blueprint for fostering lifelong learning, enhancing civic engagement, and ultimately enriching the fabric of our communities.

Read the transcript or the extended show summary on our website →

  About Our Podcast Guest

Paul Weiss came to The Oasis Institute in June 2017 to serve as the third President in the organization’s 40-year history. Paul has spent his career helping mission-based nonprofit organizations exceed their strategic objectives, enabling them to help more people improve the quality of their lives. Originally from St. Louis, Paul holds a Ph.D. in Educational Research and Psychology from Washington University and has more than 20 years of experience in education, social enterprise leadership, program development, strategic planning, organizational growth, and team building.

Our Guests Social Link: Paul Weiss on LinkedIn


About the Host

Dr. Drumm McNaughton, host of Changing Higher Ed®, is a consultant to higher education institutions in governance, accreditation, strategy and change, and mergers. To learn more about his services and other thought leadership pieces, visit his firm’s website:

The Change Leader’s Social Media Links  LinkedIn: Twitter: @thechangeldr Email: [email protected]

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