Johannes Schickling (Founder of Graphcool) joined the show to talk about GraphQL — an application layer query language from Facebook. We talked about what it is, where it makes sense to use it, its role in serverless architectures, getting docs for free via Schemas and Types, and the community that’s rallying around this new way to think about APIs.

Johannes Schickling (Founder of Graphcool) joined the show to talk about GraphQL — an application layer query language from Facebook. We talked about what it is, where it makes sense to use it, its role in serverless architectures, getting docs for free via Schemas and Types, and the community that’s rallying around this new way to think about APIs.

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Johannes Schickling – Twitter, GitHubAdam Stacoviak – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, WebsiteJerod Santo – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn

Show Notes:

Learn GraphQL How to GraphQL
Learn Apollo
Learn Relay
GraphQL Playground
Facebook’s announcement post for GraphQL
Graphcool - Serverless GraphQL Backend - Developer platform for building serverless graphql backends
Graphcool hit #1 on HackerNews when it launched
GraphQL Radio - a podcast covering all things GraphQL
GraphQL-Europe - Europe’s first GraphQL conference
Reinventing Authorization: GraphQL Permission Queries
Serverless GraphQL Backend architecture
Why GraphQL is the future
Facebook’s original draft RFC specification for GraphQL

From The GitHub GraphQL API post on the GitHub Engineering blog:

The REST API is responsible for over 60% of the requests made to our database tier. This is partly because, by its nature, hypermedia navigation requires a client to repeatedly communicate with a server so that it can get all the information it needs. Our responses were bloated and filled with all sorts of *_url hints in the JSON responses to help people continue to navigate through the API to get what they needed. Despite all the information we provided, we heard from integrators that our REST API also wasn’t very flexible. It sometimes required two or three separate calls to assemble a complete view of a resource. It seemed like our responses simultaneously sent too much data and didn’t include data that consumers needed.

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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