Wynn and Gregg Pollack did a special LIVE episode at Red Dirt Ruby Conf where they sat down with Charles Lowell to talk about embedding JavaScript engines in Ruby.

Wynn and Gregg Pollack did a special LIVE episode at Red Dirt Ruby Conf where they sat down with Charles Lowell to talk about embedding JavaScript engines in Ruby.

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Wynn Netherland – Twitter, GitHub

Show Notes:

Gregg Pollack from Ruby5 co-hosted this episode!
Red Dirt Ruby Conf - the awesome regional Ruby conference in OKC
Charles Lowell from the FrontSide
The Ruby Racer Embed the V8 Javascript Interpreter into Ruby
The Ruby Rhino Embed the Mozilla Rhino Javascript interpreter into Ruby
Mustache - logicless views from defunkt
Mustache.js - Jan Lehnardt’s awesome port of Mustache
Google V8 Google’s super fast JavaScript engine
Glenn Vanderburg asks the question “Why send JSON over the wire and not HTML fragments”
JSON templates Precursor to Mustache
Underscore.js Also has some templating built into this utility JS framework
Env.js A pure-JavaScript browser environment from John Resig
Drunk and Retired Charles’ own podcast

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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