Ben Johnson, creator of BoltDB, joined the show to talk about NoSQL vs. Sql databases, tradeoffs between the two, and choosing one over the other. We also talk about Ben’s Secret Lives of Data project, visualizing data structures, and go over his motivation and plans for his blog post series “Go Walkthrough” of the Go standard library.

Ben Johnson, creator of BoltDB, joined the show to talk about NoSQL vs. Sql databases, tradeoffs between the two, and choosing one over the other. We also talk about Ben’s Secret Lives of Data project, visualizing data structures, and go over his motivation and plans for his blog post series “Go Walkthrough” of the Go standard library.

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Ben Johnson – Twitter, GitHub, WebsiteErik St. Martin – Twitter, GitHubCarlisia Thompson – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedInBrian Ketelsen – Twitter, GitHub

Show Notes:

Bolt DB
The Secret Lives of Data
Ben’s Go Walkthrough blog series on Medium
Go Walkthrough: encoding package
Go Walkthrough: bytes + strings packages
Go Walkthrough: io package
Standard Package Layout
Building WTF Dial
Clean Code (book)
The Pragmatic Programmer (bool)
Column-oriented DBMS
Bleve: full-text search and indexing for Go
#boltdb channel on Gophers Slack

Interesting Go Projects and News

Noms: decentralized database based on ideas from Git Magic-free ORM-like package for Go

Free Software Friday

Brian ­- Minikube: Run Kubernetes locally and Quilt: deploy and network containers
Carlisia - Stow: symlink manager
Ben - Kelsey Hightower
Erik - Archtrike: An Arch Linux repository for security professionals and enthusiasts and Request for Commits

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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