Wynn sat down with Sean and Brian from Spree to talk about ecommerce in Rails, SpreeConf, and their recent $1.5M funding round.

Wynn sat down with Sean and Brian from Spree to talk about ecommerce in Rails, SpreeConf, and their recent $1.5M funding round.

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Show Notes:

Sean Schofield, Spree founder and CEO of Spree Commerce, Inc.
Brian Quinn, long time Spree contributor and CTO of SpreeCommerce
Spree (née RailsCart) is a Rails engine that provides an out-of-the box, customizable ecommerce platform.
Spree fully integrates into the Rails 3.1 Asset pipeline
Rails engines have accelerated Spree adoption
Spree is built on actively maintained community projects including Devise, Kaminari, Paperclip, ResourceController, State Machine, and ActiveMerchant.
Spree recently closed a $1.5M funding round
SpreeConf is geared to both business and developer audiences
Everybody loves Sticker Mule
Shoedazzle and SecondLife run highly customized versions of Spree.
Spree has a growing list of community extensions.
RailsDog Radio is a great showcase of Spree functionality. Grab the source on GitHub
If you actually need a satellite radio, check out TSS Radio.
Spree will unbox a new demo installation on Heroku just for you.
Deface allows you to customize HTML ERB views in a Rails application without editing the underlying view.
Ryan Bigg, Ruby Hero and co-author of Rails 3 in Action has joined Spree as community manager.
Like Changelog Episodes, Spree is not SemVer compliant.
Sean wants to explore using RailsAdmin into Spree

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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