This is another special “Ask Us Anything” episode where we answer more questions submitted by the community. We covered A LOT of ground, including the hardest things we’ve ever written in Go, how the community can drive adoption, what we’d change about Go, and our favorite: “what do gophers eat?”

This is another special “Ask Us Anything” episode where we answer more questions submitted by the community. We covered A LOT of ground, including the hardest things we’ve ever written in Go, how the community can drive adoption, what we’d change about Go, and our favorite: “what do gophers eat?”

Leave us a comment

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Erik St. Martin – Twitter, GitHubCarlisia Thompson – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedInBrian Ketelsen – Twitter, GitHub

Show Notes:

Sourcegraph - Idiomatic Go

microhq user-serv — db.go


WASM port looking GOOD

Pop now supports associations!

By the time you read this go 1.10 will be released

tview - Rich interactive widgets for terminal-based UIs written in Go (very very cool)

Bill Kennedy - The Behavior of Channels

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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