Bryan Helmig, Wade Foster, and Mike Knoop started Zapier in 2011 as a side hustle. They ultimately applied to Y Combinator, twice. And this year they hit $35 Million dollars in annual revenue. I talked with Bryan Helmig (CTO) through the backstory of starting this company, being 100% distributed, the flexibility as well as the constraints of being remote-only, how they reached product market fit, growth, scaling their teams, and how they bring everyone together for company wide retreats.

Bryan Helmig, Wade Foster, and Mike Knoop started Zapier in 2011 as a side hustle. They ultimately applied to Y Combinator, twice. And this year they hit $35 Million dollars in annual revenue. I talked with Bryan Helmig (CTO) through the backstory of starting this company, being 100% distributed, the flexibility as well as the constraints of being remote-only, how they reached product market fit, growth, scaling their teams, and how they bring everyone together for company wide retreats.

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Bryan Helmig – Twitter, GitHub, WebsiteAdam Stacoviak – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, Website

Show Notes:

3 Dudes from Missouri Built a Product, Found Paying Customers, and Got Into YC
YC-Backed Zapier, The IFTTT For Business Users, Launches Developer Platform
The Zapier Story: How We Bootstrapped an Automation Company to $35M ARR
Rube Goldberg Machine

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