Could this be Sam’s final appearance on Founders Talk? Only time will tell. Sam says he’s moving onward. New things await. The future is bright and he’s wearing shades. Follow along.

Could this be Sam’s final appearance on Founders Talk? Only time will tell. Sam says he’s moving onward. New things await. The future is bright and he’s wearing shades. Follow along.

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Sam Soffes – Twitter, GitHub, WebsiteAdam Stacoviak – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, Website

Show Notes:

Make sure you listen to Sam’s other appearances:

#40: Sam Soffes / Seesaw - Part 3
#39: Sam Soffes / Nothing Magical, Cheddar - Part 2
#38: Sam Soffes / Nothing Magical, Cheddar - Part 1

Onward — Sam Soffes
Hire Sam Soffes
About Sam Soffes
Sam’s projects
@ProSoffes - Sam’s hilarious parody Twitter account
Roon — The easiest way to blog
Sam’s Fat
soffes (Sam Soffes)

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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