Wynn and Sam caught up with Laurent Sansonetti to talk about MacRuby, RubyMotion, and more.

Wynn and Sam caught up with Laurent Sansonetti to talk about MacRuby, RubyMotion, and more.

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Show Notes:

Tony Arcieri, creator of Celluloid.
Celluloid is painless multithreaded programming for Ruby.
Celluloid:IO provides evented I/O for Celluloid actors.
DCell lets you build distributed Celluloid apps over 0MQ.
Adam Keys, formerly of Gowalla, is now teammates with Tony at Living Social.
Zed gave us the lowdown on 0MQ on 0.3.4.
Reel aims to be a fast, non-blocking evented web server without a Rack API.
Tony is aiming to get Reel working with Webmachine.
Sean Cribbs talked Riak on a previous episode.
Hubot is GitHub’s awesome Campfire bot.
Travis uses Celluloid, as discussed on 0.7.5.
Tony is shutting down LightRail since the release of Rails::API, from Santiago Pastorino.
ActiveModel::Serializer aims to provide an object to encapsulate serialization of ActiveModel objects, including ActiveRecord objects.
Wynn loves jbuilder despite its name.
E is the secure distributed pure-object platform and p2p scripting language.
Data, context and interaction is a paradigm used in computer software to program systems of communicating objects.
Tahoe-LAFS is a Python-powered decentralized secure filesystem.
Tony likes Clojure.
Joe Armstrong and Robert Virding, creators of Erlang are Tony’s programming heroes.

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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