Holla! This week we’re playing Story of the Week and Today I Learned before turning our focus to Vest – a very cool validations framework created by Evyatar Alush.

Holla! This week we’re playing Story of the Week and Today I Learned before turning our focus to Vest – a very cool validations framework created by Evyatar Alush.

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GatsbyConf 2022 – (March 2nd and 3rd) this conference is totally free and totally virtual so everyone can join. Day 1 is talks and day 2 is workshops —hear from Gatsby co-founders and leadership on speed improvements to the build system, incremental architecture, the latest on Gatsby Cloud, announcements and more. Chris Coyier kicks off day 1 with the Keynote. Register at gatsbyconf.com
Sentry – Working code means happy customers. That’s exactly why teams choose Sentry. From error tracking to performance monitoring, Sentry helps teams see what actually matters, resolve problems quicker, and learn continuously about their applications - from the frontend to the backend. Use the code CHANGELOG and get the team plan free for three months.
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Fastly – Our bandwidth partner. Fastly powers fast, secure, and scalable digital experiences. Move beyond your content delivery network to their powerful edge cloud platform. Learn more at fastly.com


Evyatar – Twitter, GitHubJerod Santo – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedInAli Spittel – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, WebsiteKevin Ball – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, WebsiteAmelia Wattenberger – Twitter, GitHub, Website

Show Notes:


👋 Ember.js Europe!

Story of the Week

fetch() In Node.js Core: Why You Should Care
The HN thread


Gergely Orosz tweet about remote hiring
The Trimodal Nature of Software Engineering Salaries in the Netherlands and Europe


Serving fonts from Google Fonts CDN violates GDPR
AlphaCode is in the top 54% in programming competitions


A pipe operator for JavaScript: introduction and use cases

Today I Learned

Learning is Optimized When We Fail 15% of the Time

Huberman Lab podcast


CSS Cascade Layers: Article by Bramus Van Damme
Feature Rollout


Laurie Voss tweet about CDN caching
Say goodbye to resource-caching across sites and domains


The React.Node type is a black hole

Project Focus

Vest Validations Framework

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

Twitter Mentions