Bertrand Le Roy joined the show to talk about all things .NET Core, their recent 1.0 release, where it’s going, the open source around it, and Microsoft’s shift towards more open source.

Bertrand Le Roy joined the show to talk about all things .NET Core, their recent 1.0 release, where it’s going, the open source around it, and Microsoft’s shift towards more open source.

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Bertrand Le Roy – Twitter, GitHub, Website

Adam Stacoviak – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, Website

Jerod Santo – Twitter, GitHub

Notes and Links

Special thanks to Brett Morrison for helping us put this show together by introducing us to Bertrand 👏

The Changelog #134: Open Sourcing .NET Core with the Microsoft .NET Team
The Changelog #76: .NET, NuGet, and Open Source with Phil Haack

Changelog Weekly Issue #123
.NET Core on GitHub
.NET Core contributors graph
.NET Core docs
Is Microsoft the biggest OSS contributor? by Francesc Campoy
Check out Bertrand’s podcast On .NET — YouTube / Channel 9
Satya Nadella the CEO of Microsoft
Orchard CMS - a free, open source, community-focused Content Management System built on the ASP.NET MVC platform.
Scott Guthrie - lives in Seattle and builds products for Microsoft - this is the home of .NET. Powerful Open Source Cross Platform Development.
Rich Lander announced .NET Core 1.0 on June 27, 2016
Go here to get started with .NET Core
Adam finds out there are many facets to Visual Studio — Visual Studio IDE and Visual Studio Code which is open source
Mono - Cross platform, open source .NET framework
The Week in .NET - Bertrand’s weekly email for the .NET community
NuGet - the package manager for the Microsoft development platform including .NET
.NET Command Line Interface - the command line (CLI) tools used for building .NET Core apps and libraries through your development flow (compiling, NuGet package management, running, testing, …)
GitHub Issue #210 - Roslyn and C# on The Changelog ping repo.
Getting started with C#
Getting started with F#

People to follow in the .NET community

Miguel de Icaza (Mono, Gnome, Xamarin) - @migueldeicaza
Scott Hanselman (ASP.NET) - @shanselman
Mads Torgersen (C#) - @madstorgersen
Dustin Campbell (VS Code C# extension) - @dcampbell
Nick Craver (Stack Overflow, perf) - @nick_craver
Rowan Miller (Entity Framework) - @rowanmiller
Don Syme (F#) - @dsyme
Ayende Rahien (RavenDB) - @ayende
Rachel Reese (, F#) - @rachelreese
Jb Evain (Unity for VS, Cecil) - @jbevain
Immo Landwerth (NetStandard) - @terrajobst
Maoni Stephens (garbage collector) - @Maoni0
Frank A. Krueger (Continuous C# F# IDE for iOS) - @paeclarum
James Montemagno (Xamarin) - @jamesmontemagno
Stacey Haffner (gaming) - @yecats131
Sébastien Ros (Orchard CMS) - @sebastienros

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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