Feross Aboukhadijeh joined the show this week to talk with us about his backstory, passive income, WebTorrent, WebRTC, Electron and the ins and outs of packaging apps for all platforms.

Feross Aboukhadijeh joined the show this week to talk with us about his backstory, passive income, WebTorrent, WebRTC, Electron and the ins and outs of packaging apps for all platforms.

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Rollbar – Put errors in their place! Full-stack error tracking for all apps in any language.

Toptal – Scale your team and hire the top 3% of developers and designers at Toptal. Email Adam at [email protected] for a personal introduction to Toptal.

GoCD – GoCD is an on-premise open source continuous delivery server created by ThoughtWorks that lets you automate and streamline your build-test-release cycle for reliable, continuous delivery of your product.

Node.js Interactive – Node.js Interactive is a conference for the Node community focused on education and community building. Use the code CNGJS16 to get 15% off registration.


Feross Aboukhadijeh – Twitter, GitHub, Website

Adam Stacoviak – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, Website

Jerod Santo – Twitter, GitHub

Notes and Links

JavaScript Standard Style Guide
Study Notes is Feross’s passive income maker that enables him to work on open source and other stuff he’s interested in
FreeTheFlash - Hilarious media entertainment brought to you by FreeTheFlash Entertainment
Webmaster World
WebTorrent - A streaming torrent client for the web browser and the desktop
WebTorrent Desktop is the desktop Torrent client built with Electron
WebTorrent Desktop on GitHub
The Changelog #216 - Electron and Cross Platform Desktop Apps with Zeke Sikelianos
Mojibar - Emoji searcher but as a menubar app built with Electron

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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