Kenneth and Wynn caught up with Kohsuke Kawaguchi and Andrew Bayer from the Jenkins project to talk about continuous integration, Java, and corporate backing drama.

Kenneth and Wynn caught up with Kohsuke Kawaguchi and Andrew Bayer from the Jenkins project to talk about continuous integration, Java, and corporate backing drama.

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Wynn Netherland – Twitter, GitHubKenneth Reitz – Twitter, GitHub

Show Notes:

CI Joe is GitHub’s continuous integration server
Knowing is half the battle
Jenkins née Hudson is the leading open-source continuous integration server. Built with Java, it provides over 300 plugins to support building and testing virtually any project.
Kohsuke Kawaguchi is the creator of Jenkins
Andrew Bayer is a Build Engineer at Cloudera
Nearly 30K Jenkins installations worldwide
Jenkins is written in Java but with its rich plugin system, you can run almost anything with it
Jenkins supports Git, Mercurial, SVN, and even Visual SourceSafe
Jenkins does more than running tests, it can also do parameterized deploys
GitHub has fueled an explosion in Jenkins community growth
Wynn asks why Java is only 6% of GitHub projects
Funny cartoon on how language fanboys see one another
Git and GitHub adoption actually sparked the name change and Oracle split
The community voted 214-14 to rename
Andy addresses how plugins will migrate to the new name. Thanks, Matthew J McCullough.
At what point do projects look at a jQuery Foundation-style governance model?
Hudson was the butler in Upstairs, Downstairs
Alfred, the butler from Batman was a consideration, but conflicted with the Mac program
James Clark is Kohsuke’s programming hero
Kohsuke and Lisp’s Guy Steele are Andrew’s heroes
MZ Scheme now Racket makes Kenneth’s head hurt
Andrew recommends Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs from MIT
As a build guy, Selenium gets Andrew excited
Kohsuke is trying to hack the Airport Express to stream tunes from Linux

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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