Raquel Vélez, aka Rockbot, joined the show to talk about where she came from, how she got into programming with JavaScript, her passion for robots and mechanical engineering, the culture of npm, and more.

Raquel Vélez, aka Rockbot, joined the show to talk about where she came from, how she got into programming with JavaScript, her passion for robots and mechanical engineering, the culture of npm, and more.

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Raquel Vélez – Twitter, WebsiteAdam Stacoviak – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, WebsiteJerod Santo – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn

Show Notes:

Google Search “You can’t be it if you can’t see it”
Beyond Code with Amanda Shih
Reactive Podcast
Smart Latinas Get The Party Started
JavaScript Robotics: Building NodeBots with Johnny-Five, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and BeagleBone
squishy circuits - Google Search
Donovan Buck (@dtex) on Twitter
#187: Redux, React, and Functional JavaScript with Dan Abramov
#149: React.js, React Native, Flux, Relay, and GraphQL with Facebook
#113: Scale npm with Isaac Schlueter and Charlie Robbins
npm camp
Rockbot | Music For Business. Jukebox App for Customers.
Colleen Bot (@CJBot) on Twitter
Nicole Sullivan (@stubbornella) on Twitter
React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
Feross on GitHub

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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