Matt Biilman and Chris Bach joined the show to talk about JAMstack, Netlify CMS, how open source drives standards, and 10x-ing the speed of Smashing Magazine.

Matt Biilman and Chris Bach joined the show to talk about JAMstack, Netlify CMS, how open source drives standards, and 10x-ing the speed of Smashing Magazine.

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Matt Biilmann – Twitter, GitHub, WebsiteChris Bach – Twitter, WebsiteAdam Stacoviak – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, WebsiteJerod Santo – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn

Show Notes:

JAMstack (JavaScript, APIs, and Markup) is a new way of building websites and apps that delivers better performance, higher security, lower cost of scaling, and a better developer experience.
Netlify CMS is an open-source CMS built with JAMstack principles designed around a fully Git workflow.
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