Wynn caught up with Fredrik Holmström to talk about IronJS, F#, and open source in .NET.

Wynn caught up with Fredrik Holmström to talk about IronJS, F#, and open source in .NET.

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Wynn Netherland – Twitter, GitHub

Show Notes:

IronJS A JavaScript implementation for .NET written in F#
Fredrik Holmström, creator of IronJS
F# is a succinct, expressive and efficient functional and object-oriented language for .NET which helps you write simple code to solve complex problems.
“This JScript thing”
Mono is an open source, cross-platform, implementation of C# and the CLR that is binary compatible with Microsoft.NET.
IronJS continues in the tradition of IronPython and IronRuby
IronJS implements EcmaScript 3 but is working towards EcmaScript 5 support
Miguel de Icaza created Mono.
Nuget is a free, open source developer focused package management system for .NET.
Codeplex seems to be the place to find .NET open source
GitHub is hosting more and more .NET projects
C# and .NET are hard to Google
Kayak is an asynchronous HTTP server written in C#
Zed Shaw, featured on Episode 0.3.4
Don Syme, architect behind F#
“John” Gietzen has contributed to IronJS.
Follow @IronJS on Twitter for updates.

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