Ivan Kwiatkowski joins Natalie once again for a follow-up episode to Hacking with Go: Part 2. This time we’ll get Ivan’s perspective on the way Go’s security features are designed and used, from the user/hacker perspective. And of course we will also talk about how AI fits into all this…

Ivan Kwiatkowski joins Natalie once again for a follow-up episode to Hacking with Go: Part 2. This time we’ll get Ivan’s perspective on the way Go’s security features are designed and used, from the user/hacker perspective. And of course we will also talk about how AI fits into all this…

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Ivan Kwiatkowski – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHubNatalie Pistunovich – Twitter, GitHub

Show Notes:

Hacking with Go: Part 1
Hacking with Go: Part 2
Pascal (programming language)
Hacking tool: IDA Pro
Hacking tool: Ghidra
Stowaway – Multi-hop Proxy Tool for pentesters
Ivan’s video on reversing a Go malware
“Stylometry” - recognizing author by code style, talk from the CCC 2014

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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