Florin Pățan joined the show and talked with us about GoLand, the pros and cons of using an IDE, his thoughts on the Go community, and managing Gopher Slack.

Florin Pățan joined the show and talked with us about GoLand, the pros and cons of using an IDE, his thoughts on the Go community, and managing Gopher Slack.

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ActiveState – ActiveState builds open source language distributions for Go, Python, Perl, Ruby and Tcl. More than 2 million developers & 97% of Fortune 1000 companies use ActiveState including Pepsico, Lockheed Martin & NASA. Check out activestate.com/gotime
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Florin Pățan – Twitter, GitHubCarlisia Thompson – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedInAdam Stacoviak – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, Website

Show Notes:

GoLand - Capable and Ergonomic Go IDE by JetBrains
Join Gophers on Slack! + the CoC
Spotlight #10: How China Does Node with Shiya Luo
dep - Go dependency management tool
Visual Studio Code
Tower - Git client for Mac and Windows
Magit! - A Git Porcelain inside Emacs
rc file (dotfile) management
Golang - 2017 Survey Results
Dark GitHub style is Adam’s free software Friday pick
Dark theme for Slack
Delve is Florian’s free software Friday pick

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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