Adam Morse joined the show to talk about Functional CSS and his project Tachyons - a CSS Toolkit that lets you quickly build and design new UI without writing CSS. We talk about Scalable CSS, the difference between “Atomic”, “OOCSS”, “BEM” and others, semantic class names, and where we go from here.

Adam Morse joined the show to talk about Functional CSS and his project Tachyons - a CSS Toolkit that lets you quickly build and design new UI without writing CSS. We talk about Scalable CSS, the difference between “Atomic”, “OOCSS”, “BEM” and others, semantic class names, and where we go from here.

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Adam Morse – Twitter, GitHub, Website

Adam Stacoviak – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, Website

Jerod Santo – Twitter, GitHub

Notes and Links

Scalable CSS
tachyons-css/tachyons on GitHub
Compositor: Tools & Services for Designers, Developers, & Creatives
CSS Stats + check out’s stats here
Wilson Miner - When We Build

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