Why would you want to switch your developer environments from containers to nix? Ádám from LastPass has a few reasons.

Why would you want to switch your developer environments from containers to nix? Ádám from LastPass has a few reasons.

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Fly.io – The home of Changelog.com — Deploy your apps and databases close to your users. In minutes you can run your Ruby, Go, Node, Deno, Python, or Elixir app (and databases!) all over the world. No ops required. Learn more at fly.io/changelog and check out the speedrun in their docs.


Ádám Szücs-Mátyás – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedInJustin Garrison – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedInAutumn Nash – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn

Show Notes:

Links of the week

Software needs to be more expensive
NASA moon rover lunar terrain vehicle proposals



Remote dev environments

Amazon Workspaces
VScode code-server

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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