Wynn sat down with Corey Donohoe from GitHub and Seth Chisamore from Opscode to talk about DevOps, Chef, agile infrastructure and innovation in the datacenter.

Wynn sat down with Corey Donohoe from GitHub and Seth Chisamore from Opscode to talk about DevOps, Chef, agile infrastructure and innovation in the datacenter.

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Show Notes:

Corey Donahoe aka @atmos, DevOps dude at GitHub
Seth Chisamore aka @schisamo, evangelist at Opscode, makers of Chef
Chef, an open source systems integration framework built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure.

DevOps is defined as a set of processes, methods and systems for communication, collaboration and integration between departments for Development (Applications/Software Engineering), Technology Operations and Quality Assurance (QA)

Puppet, an open source data center automation and configuration management framework.
Cfengine, continuous datacenter automation and repair
Knife, the Chef command line interface
Chef Hosted platform is an instant hosted, highly scalabe Chef Server
Chef solo lets you run Chef without a Chef server
Chef was architected to be multi-tenant
The Opscode Team members have impressive resumes.
Chef includes impressive role-based authorities
Cookbooks are like Rubygems for Chef
Cinderella née Cider = apple + homebrew + chef + rvm
Homebrew as the most forked project is GitHub’s stress test. Be sure to catch Max on Episode 0.3.5
Wynn makes the case that the Swedish Chef be the face of the DevOps movement
Silverline from Librato does complex systems management and monitoring
EY or EngineYard, Corey’s former employer uses VMs in their architecture
Simon Wardley’s OSCon keynote
OpenStack is an effort to standardize the cloud
DevOps version of the account that got Shatner back on TV
DevOps Borat tweets from the datacenter
Fog, Wesley Beary’s excellent Ruby abstraction layer for popular cloud providers
Knife, donated by 37 Signals
Wynn digs infinity_test to test against multiple versions of Ruby at the same time
collectd, system statistics collection daemon
Using Visage to graph collectd stats
Sign up for the Opscode platform free beta
Look up Seth as schisamo in #chef and #chef-hacking on IRC

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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