Feross talks with Mathias Buus and Paul Frazee about the decentralized web, why the average person should care about decentralization of the web, the Beaker browser, Dat and the differences and similarities to BitTorrent, and how Paul and Mathias first got involved in this work.

Feross talks with Mathias Buus and Paul Frazee about the decentralized web, why the average person should care about decentralization of the web, the Beaker browser, Dat and the differences and similarities to BitTorrent, and how Paul and Mathias first got involved in this work.

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Mathias Buus – Twitter, GitHubPaul Frazee✌️ – Twitter, GitHubFeross Aboukhadijeh – Twitter, GitHub, Website

Show Notes:

Beaker Browser
Dat Project

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