Wynn caught up with Eloy Durán, creator of CocoaPods to talk about the project, MacRuby, and his favorite Objective-C libraries.

Wynn caught up with Eloy Durán, creator of CocoaPods to talk about the project, MacRuby, and his favorite Objective-C libraries.

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Notes and Links

Eloy Durán, Ruby developer and creator of CocoaPods.
CocoaPods, “the best way to manage library dependencies in Objective-C projects.”
CocoaPods uses a Podfile to specify project dependencies.
Eloy aspires to achieve the same level of “Twitter hate” that Bundler enjoys.
CocoaPods started on MacRuby but now is powered by MRI.
Patches for feature requests are welcomed.
CocoaPods specs live on GitHub, similar to the Homebrew model.
The Passenger pane lets you configure Phusion Passenger on the Mac really easily.
Eloy wants a Ruby lib that shows a proper unified diff for Array, Hash, String with color support.
Listener Jonah Williams asks how the community can increase adoption.
Objective-C is the #10 most popular language on GitHub.
Eloy wrote a file browser for MacVim because he likes Vim but is a “gui guy.”
If the latest Xcode has got you down, you might try AppCode.
BlocksKit, the Objective-C block utilities you always wish you had.
QuincyKit offers crash report managment for your iOS apps.
JSONKit, a very high performance Objective-C JSON library.
Wynn likes Test Flight but Eloy has switched to Hockey App.
Laurent Sansonetti, lead developer of MacRuby is Eloy’s programming hero.

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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