Wynn caught up with Ruben and Matt from Cloud 9 to talk about what’s new with their IDE in the cloud.

Wynn caught up with Ruben and Matt from Cloud 9 to talk about what’s new with their IDE in the cloud.

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Wynn Netherland – Twitter, GitHub

Show Notes:

Ruben Daniels is the CEO of Cloud9.
Matt Pardee is a developer & evangelist for Cloud9.
Tim Caswell was on a previous episode is an employee at Cloud9.
Cloud9 is the README editor at GitHub.
Ruben was on a previous episode of The Changelog talking about ajax.org.
The Cloud9 IDE runs on a Node server.
VFS is an open source virtual file system implementation for node.js.
Sublime Text is a cross platform text editor.
Ace is an open source code editor written in JavaScript.
Heroku and JoyentCloud are cloud application platforms.
Selenium is used for browser automation.
Express is an open source node.js web framework.
NPM is a package manager for node.js.
Pastebin and gist are both ways to share snippets and pastes.
Architect is an open source plugin system for node applications.
treehugger is an open source JavaScript Abstract Syntax Tree library.
Matt’s programming hero is Linus Torvalds.

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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