Adam and Wynn caught up with Luigi Montanez and Jeremy Carbaugh from Sunlight Labs and discussed their Python and Ruby projects, government transparency, and civic hacking - open source contributions as activism.

Adam and Wynn caught up with Luigi Montanez and Jeremy Carbaugh from Sunlight Labs and discussed their Python and Ruby projects, government transparency, and civic hacking - open source contributions as activism.

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Adam Stacoviak – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, WebsiteWynn Netherland – Twitter, GitHub

Show Notes:

Real Time Congress - iPhone app for keeping tabs on Congress, built with Appcelerator Titanium
Anthill - Django-powered community website project that runs
MediaSync - Django Toolkit to simplify the static media development and deployment.
Sunlight Labs API - Congressional data served up for your next mashup.
Underscore.js - The tie for jQuery’s tux
Open Government Initiative - Every .gov web site now has to outline their transparency efforts
Apps for America - Build a mashup, win some $$$
Great American Hackathon - Meetup and hack to improve your government
Open Government book from OReilly - Collaboration, Transparency, and Participation in Practice
Tweet Congress - SXSW Web Award-winning congressional Twitter directory built on Sunlight Labs API
Capitol Words - Amazing site and API analysis of what’s said on the floor of Congress
Open Congress - Browse, read, discuss, and vote on legislation before Congress.
Code for America - Connecting city governments and Web 2.0 talent.
Some new gadget from Apple
Chromium OS - Google’s new OS discussed on Episode 0.0.4
SauceBrush - an attempt to build a python ETL library that doesn’t suck
Homebrew - Package management for Mac as discussed on Episode 0.1.2
Transparency Camp - THE unconference for government representatives, technologists, journalists, developers, NGOs, wonks and activists
Los Angeles Ruby Conf - See Luigi and others speak Ruby in beautiful downtown Burbank

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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