In this episode of Spotlight recorded at All Things Open 2016, Adam talked with Anna Derbakova from IBM after her jam packed talk on Blockchain and Hyperledger about the fundamentals of blockchain, how this technology is revolutionizing finance, banking, IoT, supply chains, manufacturing, and any other applications out there that can benefit from a “smart contract”, The Hyperledger Project, and the exciting opportunities that exist in the future for blockchains.

In this episode of Spotlight recorded at All Things Open 2016, Adam talked with Anna Derbakova from IBM after her jam packed talk on Blockchain and Hyperledger about the fundamentals of blockchain, how this technology is revolutionizing finance, banking, IoT, supply chains, manufacturing, and any other applications out there that can benefit from a “smart contract”, The Hyperledger Project, and the exciting opportunities that exist in the future for blockchains.

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Anna Derbakova – Twitter, GitHubAdam Stacoviak – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, Website

Show Notes:

IBM Blockchain - Quickly run a blockchain network in a secure Cloud environment. Spin up a blockchain network on a private, virtualized environment; create and secure digital assets in test applications to trade over a permissioned network.
Hyperledger Fabric Basics — This tutorial was presented as part of Anna’s presentation at All Things Open 2016. Her presentation was focused on blockchain applications, and specifically, getting started with building an application with Hyperledger Fabric.
View the slides from Anna’s talk — Blockchain for Business on Hyperledger
Hyperledger — an open source collaborative effort under the Linux Foundation created to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies. It is a global collaboration including leaders in finance, banking, IoT, supply chain, manufacturing and technology.
The Hyperledger Project on GitHub
Fabric core
Hyperledger Fabric Client SDK for Node.js
Join Hyperledger Project on Slack
IBM Bluemix
The Changelog #222: Ethereum and Cryptocurrency with Gavin Wood

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