KBall and Chad Hietala meet up at JSConf and talk about compilers for the frontend, Ember’s binary opcodes, webassembly, and the future of performance optimization for the web.

KBall and Chad Hietala meet up at JSConf and talk about compilers for the frontend, Ember’s binary opcodes, webassembly, and the future of performance optimization for the web.

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Chad Hietala – Twitter, GitHubKevin Ball – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, Website

Show Notes:

Performance gains from compilers in JavaScript:

Performance gains from switching to Closure Compiler


The Glimmer Binary Experience
The Glimmer VM: Boots Fast and Stays Fast
Experiments porting Glimmer VM pieces to WASM

The performance costs of parse/compile:

The Cost of JavaScript



Moving sourcemaps to webassembly:

Oxidizing Source Maps with Rust and WebAssembly


JSParty: A11y is your ally
Reach Router
Ember A11y

Opportunities for Angular, Vue, etc

Advantages of Angular Templates


The Brutal Lifecycle of JavaScript Frameworks
Github Stars !== Usage: React is still blowing Vue and Angular Away
issue: Latest version of angular-cli shows ember-cli help
#dadt (Dojo already did that)
Ember RFCs

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CSS Blocks

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