Karen Sandler, Rachel Nabors, and Jono Bacon joined the show by way of some great conversations at OSCON in London, UK and All Things Open in Raleigh, NC. We talked about free software, web animation and motion in user interfaces, and how open source communities organize.

Karen Sandler, Rachel Nabors, and Jono Bacon joined the show by way of some great conversations at OSCON in London, UK and All Things Open in Raleigh, NC. We talked about free software, web animation and motion in user interfaces, and how open source communities organize.

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Karen Sandler – Twitter

Rachel Nabors – Twitter, GitHub, Website

Jono Bacon – Twitter, GitHub, Website

Adam Stacoviak – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, Website

Jerod Santo – Twitter, GitHub

Notes and Links

Karen Sandler

Karen Sandler is the the executive director of the Software Freedom Conservancy. She has a big heart, literally. Her heart condition requires a pacemaker, but she can’t access the source code that runs it. For this and other reasons, Karen is a passionate advocate for free software. In this interview, Jerod talks with Karen about her convictions, what she’s doing about them, and how this affects her personal life and the lives of those she loves.

“I literally want to hack my heart! But I can’t.” - Karen Sandler

Software Freedom Conservancy — Become a supporter!
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Is software freedom a social justice issue? - this is the talk that Karen Sandler gave at OSCON 2016
IANAL (“I am not a lawyer”) — IAAL (“I am a lawyer”) and TINLA (“This is not legal advice”) also redirect to this page on Wikipedia

Rachel Nabors

Rachel Nabors is a motion design for the web and UI animations expert and she was at All Things Open as a keynote and featured speker. Adam talked to Rachel about discovering repeatable business models, the state of web animation and where we’re heading, the cognitive science behind motion in user interfaces, some great places to start adding motion and animation to your interfaces, and what we might expect to see with animation and motion in Microsoft Edge.

The UI Animation Newsletter: weekly web animation resources & inspiration
What is Vestibular Disorder?
Follow Dan C. Wilson to learn more about motion paths and web animiation
If you haven’t been, check out CSS Dev Conf
Learn with Rachel — You can check out her courses here.
Rachel’s Keynote at All Things Open
Microsoft Edge

Jono Bacon

Jono Bacon is a consultant and leader in community management and strategy. Jono was at All Things Open as a keynote and featured speker. Adam talked with Jono about his talk “Building a Community Exoskeleton” and how open source communities break down into read and write — those with a common interst who get together to consume something (a read community), and those who get together because they want to build something together (a write community).

The Art of Community (Jono’s book)
Bad Voltage (Jono’s podcast)

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