Henrik Joreteg joined the show to talk about Single Page Apps (SPAs), Ampersand.js, WebRTC, JavaScript coding styles, and more.

Henrik Joreteg joined the show to talk about Single Page Apps (SPAs), Ampersand.js, WebRTC, JavaScript coding styles, and more.

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Show Notes:

Henrik Joreteg is a JavaScript Developer, the author of Human JavaScript, and the creator of Ampersand.js.

Henrik Joreteg (@HenrikJoreteg) on Twitter
Henrik Joreteg on GitHub
Read Human JavaScript for free online!
Intro to npm, Browserify & Modules
Henrik’s “A Single Page Story” talk
RealtimeConf 2015
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Loren Brichter (@lorenb) on Twitter
Loren Brichter on GitHub
TJ Holowaychuk on GitHub
Feross Aboukhadijeh on GitHub
Guillermo Rauch on GitHub
React Native
Surge - Static Web Publishing for Front-End Developers

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