Matias Pan is a Staff Software Engineer at Lemon Cash, a crypto startup based in Argentina. Lemon infrastructure runs digital wallets & physical cards, which technically makes them a bank. How does Matias & his team think about enabling developers get code from their workstations into production? Remember, we are talking about a bank - a bad deploy is a big deal. And when a bad database migration goes out, what happens then?

Matias Pan is a Staff Software Engineer at Lemon Cash, a crypto startup based in Argentina. Lemon infrastructure runs digital wallets & physical cards, which technically makes them a bank. How does Matias & his team think about enabling developers get code from their workstations into production? Remember, we are talking about a bank - a bad deploy is a big deal. And when a bad database migration goes out, what happens then?

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Matias Pan – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, WebsiteGerhard Lazu – Mastodon, Twitter, GitHub, Website

Show Notes:

📄 Deploying services at Lemon - May 2022
Matias’ follow-up post: How services are provisioned, deployed and operated at Lemon Cash - October 2022
Early inspiration: Let a 1000 flowers bloom. Then rip 999 of them out by the roots. - September 2015

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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