What is mind management

“What is the single most important skill you can master to increase your happiness and success? Training your mind.” ~ T Harv Eker in Success Magazine

In today’s episode of the Changeability Podcast we’re thinking about our strap line – ‘Manage your Mind’.  You might have heard the term mind management before, but what is mind management?  Why is it becoming popular and what’s in it for you? 

In episode 6 you’ll find out about:

 Kathryn and Julian’s acting skills (you’ve been warned)
How many thoughts you have in a day
Why sports people love mind management
How thoughts have energy
How you are not thoughts
How mind management needs training
How Mind management can improve your personal and professional life 

Links and resources mentioned in this episode: 

T Harv Eker: Success Magazine Success.com 
Dr Steve Peters: The Chimp Paradox: The Mind Management Programme to Help You Achieve Success, Confidence and Happiness
Kathryn Bryant: Changeability: Manage your Mind - Change your Life