CYPOV Podcast is dedicated to helping Veterans become just as successful out of uniform as they were when they were in. In order to become successful, you will need help. For some, it is a lot of help, for others just a little, but one thing remains constant, WE ALL NEED HELP!

This week I sit down with Travis Long a Mentee of Veterati and his 3-Wise Men, Veterati Mentors Chris McGraw, Shawn Hoadley, and Tim Denman. In this first of its kind interview, you will hear first-hand the impact These mentors and this incredible platform had on one if its mentees.

This Mentee/Mentor relationship is unique to every individual and in every relationship. This behind the scenes look will help shed some light on the power of mentorship. We all hope you enjoy this show and more than anything hope you will give Veterati a shot either as a mentee or a mentor, or like me you will decide to become both!

  Hey, It's Eddie and Bennett! Thanks for listening! Thanks so much for listening! Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section or you can leave me a message about this episode by going to If you enjoy the show I sure hope you'll subscribe and download a bunch of episodes on iTunes. All these shows are free to download and listen to and we don't ask for donations or anything to create this show. But if you'd like to totally make our day... we would be forever grateful if you would be so kind as to leave an honest review on iTunes.
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