Everyone loves a good war story! they all seem to begin with "So No Shit There I Was.." well we aim to please. A "still doing cool shit" old combat brother of Jeff's joins him to reflect and tell some rare nuggets of awesome combat tales. Jeff has a agenda but lets face it we only care about the cool stories! 




Zaphod Beetlebrock is not really the guest's identity and for legit reasons, he stays anonymous to all but those familiar with him.


Jeff was the holder of the title "RPG Magnet" and folks this is just a little of the reason he has been so far un challenged with a total of 18 near strikes and over 20 misses from the bad training of the enemy gunners.


Jeff is not the Bullet magnet however that is apparently some Green Beret named Bobby.


B movies are not the source of advisable tactics unless your a third world lunatic with a good heart.


Tony Soprano has an Afghan counterpart.


Jeff is reluctant to speak of his glorious awards but Eddie and Bennet have rights to force him to talk about it eventually. Plus he promised them...


Your phone is the best weapon against suicide... use it and if called pick it up!


Jeff played High School football (played is a loose term) on a team with an awesome guy from a great family. the guy has a Superbowl Winner for a younger Brother and Jeff endorses his new book. 


Find links to this episode's content here:


Order Superbowl champion and friend of Jeff's Kieth O'Neil's  Book:

Under My Helmet


Battle of Debeka Pass link (only because Zaphod let is slip, unpurpose/accident)

Jeff's claim to Special Forces fame (only to himself and his kids!)


Books about Jeffs uneasy fame prior to the show:

Heroes Among Us

Roughneck Nine-one

War Stories of The Green Berets (Updated Edition)

Follow Zaphod:


You Must Be Kidding! LOL No Chance Trolls and Terrorists!



Questions or requests for info can be sent to my links below or my email [email protected]


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Give back to Veterans who give back to Veterans! 

Hey, It's Jeff! Thanks for listening!

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