Eddie Lazzari joins Jeff and they have a fun and random conversation. for the first half. Jeff then makes a profound and direct plea to veterans to alter their behavior and expectations. he is blunt, honest and can be offensive. this is the benefit and extra you get from Jeff and his unapologetic and sometimes purposeful language. Be warned and be brave and hear Eddie and Jeff talk the Networks upcoming Easter Eggs and challenges, Jeff explains Patreon and gives shout outs to Patreon donors as promised then stay for the free politically incorrect rant that is still informative and a call to action. 



What are Easter Eggs and how you can start playing? Challenge made!


You will learn why you should support us through Patreon and should regret not already doing it and make up by being generous.


You finally learn that Jeff is an in your face Jerk and it is only tolerated because he does it with the truth. Veterans need to hear and digest the talk Jeff gives and allow for it to sink in before they go ballistic and also because Jeff doesn't care if you are bothered by his words. He chooses them for the intent to be noted and make you take a good look at your own view of the veteran community. Eddie tries to be positive and Jeff allows him to read an article and then goes full Dick to end the show! 



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Hey, It's Jeff! Thanks for listening!

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