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#183: Deb Feder is a business growth coach and strategist focused on helping lawyers and leaders build outstanding careers. She explains the three stages of business development, how to convert new relationships into business opportunities and how to create an authentic personal brand.

What you’ll learn

[2:37] Explaining how to turn conversations to business opportunities.[3:40] The three stages of business development.[5:15] Why business development is so challenging for people in professional careers.[8:00] How to convert new relationships to business opportunities.[10:25] Who to spend time following up on after attending a networking event.[12:02] Common misconceptions around business development.[12:39] How introverts should network.[14:57] The amount of time business development takes and the power of referrals.[16:31] How to ask your clients for a referral.[18:12] How to create an authentic personal brand.[21:00] Going through your life chronology to create an engaging story.[23:28] The different things you can learn from looking at your work timeline.[24:58] The stories everyone has about their first jobs.[26:09] Steps you can take to discover your authentic business self.[31:38] How to approach a networking event in an authentic way.[34:22] Non-traditional strategies to build your network.[36:57] How to know which networking techniques are being successful.

Resources mentioned in this episode
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After Hello, Deb FederTell Me More, Deb Feder [Link to add once book comes out]Make No Small Plans, Elliott Bisnow et alDeb’s timeline exerciseChange Work Life Coaching

For the show notes for this episode, including a full transcript and links to all the resources mentioned, visit:

Re-assessing your career?  Know you need a change but don't really know where to start?  Check out these two exercises to start the journey of working out what career is right for you!