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#068 - Accountant, business-owner and dog behaviourist, Emma Austin explains how to combine a genuine understanding of what drives you with an analytical mindset to help you find what you really love, and what is both fulfilling and right for you.

What you'll learn

[6:20] The need to get a job which is compatible with your other commitments, such as childcare.[7:09] The importance of identifying what you want your job to do for you and the criteria it needs to match.[9:22] Why you need to make sure you are doing something which interests and challenges you and how to incorporate this into your life.[11:35] How specialising can give you a competitive edge.[13:49] The process of planning and transitioning from employee to business owner.[14:48] How client demand can force you to expand beyond your original niche.[16:19] How you can treat a particular stage of your career as a project rather than something you’ll do for a lifetime.[18:00] How coaching can help you find out what it is you love doing.[19:41] Taking the time to transition to a new career and exploring the different possibilities.[25:01] How previous experience and knowledge can still be relevant and useful in a new career.[27:02] The factors to consider before deciding whether to take on staff and expand a business.[28:51] The difficulties of drawing boundaries in “helping” professions.[30:34] Why a decision to change career isn’t necessarily an intellectual one.

For the show notes for this episode, including a full transcript and links to all the resources mentioned, visit:

Re-assessing your career?  Know you need a change but don't really know where to start?  Check out these two exercises to start the journey of working out what career is right for you!

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