Michelle Palmer and Barri Brown sit down with us to discuss their experience with addiction and rehabilitation. Michelle and Barri became friends after being sponsored by the same person in their Alcoholics Anonymous program at a time when both were looking to change their lives.  Struggling with drug and alcohol addiction coupled with multiple incarcerations, both women lived for many years denying their addiction.  Listen in as they describe their journey from addiction to recovery and their efforts to help others through their recovery.

What you will hear

Barri and Michelle’s substance abuse and addictions.

Recognizing and admitting one’s addiction and level of dysfunction.

Gaining clarity and the willingness to commit to a recovery program.

Lessons learned from addiction.

Advice for those struggling with addiction during the pandemic.

Alcoholic Anonymous program then vs now.

The consequences of class and race in regards to getting help with addiction.


The success of 12 step programs.


“Uncover, discover and discard.”

“Just don’t drink or use no matter what, pick up the phone and call someone.”

“We (black and brown brothers and sisters) are more likely to go to jail before we are offered recovery.”

“Addiction is a disease of denial.”

“Don’t leave 5 minutes before the miracle happens. The miracle is when you become willing.”