Dr. Bryan Leyva is an AfroLatinx physician activist who studies the intersections of medicine, racism, and social inequality. He has a background in community organizing, social justice art, and public health research, and sees all his work as being part of a larger effort to decolonize and diversify medicine and achieve equity in healthcare. His research, rooted in social justice frameworks and community engagement, has been published in journals like NEJM, JAMA Internal Medicine, Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, Social Science & Medicine, and Implementation Science. He has been featured in several news outlets including @NBCNightlyNews. He is bold, honest, and not afraid to stay present in his truth and we are so happy he agreed to come on the show. This good doctor believes that sustained activism is rooted in something deeper than outrage and we are eager to find out what that is.  

What You Will Hear:

Becoming a physician from a social justice angleArt and creativity in activismThe Systems and powers of oppressionPolitical history and stunts America is not ok.  Racism from older people Weaponization of religion and faithAdvice for young folksMentorship: You can’t be what you can’t seeBeing radically honest to change the narrative.


“I went into medicine because I didn't find people that look like me. When I was seeking healthcare, my parents didn't find that and I wanted to be the physician that I never had.”

“I view health as empowerment, and I view it as a tool for social justice. ”

“I realized that medicine has been one of the worst  perpetrators of inequality in this country. 

”I think creativity is so important for movements. And I've seen the power of art, creativity and changing the way people think about problems and raising consciousness.” 

“America is not okay because our democracy in jeopardy, we don't trust any of our systems of power and that's a dangerous position to be in. We don't trust the Supreme court. Many folks don't trust the president left and right. Many of us are disillusioned by our elected officials in Congress and so when you have a democracy where in your three branches of government there's lack of trust, you have a dangerous situation. ”

“Encouraging folk to not ignore the racism that happens by older folk in their family and in society because those are the very people who are running our country. How old people move, determines how the laws in our, in how our systems move.”

“We need to just be very clear that having, you know, a non-white son or daughter does not make you, anti-racist having a non-white, you know, husband or wife does not make you anti-racist and even being non-white does not make you anti-racist.”

“I think we all have something unique to offer and we all have to find that voice.  The power in your voice comes from the power in your experiences.”

“If you have a passion for justice and equity and anti-racism and anti-blackness then find ways that you can do it within your own community, harnessing what's unique about you and consistently.”







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