Attention white women!  White women unite!  Pam Ditto declares all of this, not because white women are smarter, but because they use that historical narrative to not stand up for justice, injustice, and racism.  Pam says that the road to success is not the one paved by the white man.  She stands up to patriarchy, white people, and white women.   She is sick and tired of “white is right” and white women in particular who cannot tolerate the discomfort of change.  She is honest, and real and uses her voice to share not only her experience from everything from her dental procedures to her adoption to her feelings on interracial adoption. 

What You Will Hear:

Uplifting marginalized voices on tiktok by passing the micLessons learned from successIndentured servitude vs chattel enslavementWhat white women can learn from PamPrivilge, the right to comfortContinuing to learnIs it peossibe for white people to move from denial through sympathy, past allyship to something that’s more productive in the outcome of where we are?Mass shootings


“I think it's interesting that, you know, there's so much privilege around fearing,”

“If you are under threat of losing your security safety support, you never had it. So go make your own community to gather that from. That is real. That won't threaten you every time you step out of line. Because if they're watching to see if you are in line, they're not supporting you.”

“the things that we say we fear are so inconsequential.”

“Guilt becomes a guilty pleasure for white people.”


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