If Thomas Edison listened to everyone who told him that it wasn’t possible to make a light bulb, then we would still be living in the dark! There are and will always be people in our lives who will think that our goals are not possible. Your success will depend on whether you take their opinions to heart or push through with what you want to do.


Today, Brian shares his personal methodology on how to reach your goals. Grab a seat and learn the process of how to do you.


“The only opinion that matters is the one I have of myself”

- Brian Mark


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In this Episode

- Why do people think we can’t do the things we aspire to do?

- The proper approach to reaching your objectives

- Why you should rely on having a vision to attain your goals

- How the proper work ethic helps you achieve your aspirations

- You don’t have to let other people in -- hear why


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To learn more about coaching programs, DM me “10k” on IG: https://www.instagram.com/bmarkfit

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