There's freedom in commitment, but are you willing to pay the price for success? πŸ€”

In this episode, I'm calling out the excuses that are holding you back from fully committing to your goals as an online fitness coach. If you're constantly counting the cost and wondering when you'll "make it," you're missing the point.Β 

True commitment means being willing to do whatever it takes to achieve your dreams, no matter how many times you fail along the way. It's about embracing the journey and trusting the process, even when you don't see immediate results. πŸ’ͺ

So ask yourself: are you fully committed, or are you just procrastinating on your potential? It's time to burn the boats and go all in on your success! πŸ”₯

Top Quotes:

"There's freedom in the idea that I'm going to fully commit to my dreams. There is freedom in the idea that I will pay whatever the price is necessary." (5:56)

"When you fully commit to something and you say, 'I'm gonna hit $10,000 a month, I'm f*cking coming for it,' and you start acting like a coach that makes $10,000 a month... when you fully commit to the process, then you get to June 30th and all of a sudden you're at $8,000 - you f*cking failed, technically. But there's freedom in commitment." (11:09)

"If you are the type of person that says, 'I get in my own way,' that is also just f*cking putting a giant stamp on your face that says 'master procrastinator.'" (12:41)


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