You don't actually want success... you're just wishing for it! 

In this episode, I'm calling out all the online coaches who say they want to hit their goals but aren't putting in the work to make it happen. 😤 One of my clients asked for a "polite kick in the ass" because they weren't motivated to follow the course and hit $15k/month. My response? You don't f*cking want it at all!

If you're not putting in the work and doing what's necessary to reach your goals, you don't actually want it - it's just a dream. But when you have the three things I reveal in this episode, along with a relentless work ethic, you become an unstoppable force of nature 🔥 

Top Quotes:

"If you truly want something and you're putting in a ridiculous amount of work ethic and you're following the right game plan, dude, your success is inevitable." (3:43)

"Until it becomes an authentic desire, like 'I will do whatever the f*ck is necessary to achieve it,' you will never achieve it." (4:58)

"When you want something and you truly like put yourself there in the place that you want to go, the vision that you want to get to, the destination that you'd like to reach, and you like allow yourself to go there and you think about it every single day and it's all you think about - you are literally pulled." (7:54)

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