“Everyone has a role to play as a leader, whether you're leading for better or worse, you're leading every day… whether that's your household, your team, your community, you name it. And so taking ownership and responsibility of that.. comes from us starting by saying, actually anyone and everyone can and is a leader. And so then it's understanding well am I leading for better?”

In this week's episode of the Change Happens podcast, host Jenelle McMaster is joined by Holly Ransom a globally renowned content curator, powerful speaker and thought leader. Holly was named one of Australia’s 100 Most Influential Women by the AFR, has delivered a Peace Charter to the Dalai Lama and was Sir Richard Branson’s nominee on a ‘Smart List’ of Future Game Changers to watch. In this episode she shares her insights on the lessons she’s learned about making change happen and how we can all be leaders no matter what our role or title.

Host: Jenelle McMaster  is Deputy CEO Oceania and Markets Leader at EY.

Guest: Holly Ransom Speaker, Facilitator and Content Curator. Find Hollys website here.

Listen now on: Apple Podcasts or Spotify or where ever you get your favourite podcasts.