“My 5ft tall grandmother Dorothy had inserted herself between Goliath and this poor girl on the checkout and said how dare you talk to that young woman like that, you apologise....... I said grandma that was so brave, and she said honey if you walk past it you tell the world it's OK."

Holly Ransom is a globally renowned content curator, powerful speaker and thought leader, who delivered a Peace Charter to the Dalai Lama, she was Sir Richard Branson’s nominee on a ‘Smart List’ of Future Game Changers to watch, and was personally requested by Barack Obama to interview him on stage. The list of change-makers she has met is impressive – however, the leader she admires most is her grandma. Find out why in this Power Bite mini episode and how she believes we can all be leaders no matter what our role or title.

Host: Jenelle McMaster - Deputy CEO and Markets Leader at EY Oceania

Guest: Holly Ransom - Speaker, Facilitator and Content Curator. Find Hollys website here

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