“Can I do it? There was a massive amount of self-doubt when I took the job about a month later. The coach, Rafa Benitez, left … and took 18 staff with him. The whole department was gutted. There was me and an assistant coach to take the superstars through a training session … I was pitch side for Australia versus Serbia on Wednesday, arrived on Friday and started interviewing people on Saturday and Sunday to start on Monday. It was an incredible whirlwind.”

Darren Burgess, Adelaide Football Club High Performance Director, previously Director of High Performance at Arsenal Football Club, joins our Change Happens podcast host Jenelle McMaster to discuss the lessons learnt from his time as Head of Fitness and Conditioning for Liverpool Football Club.

Host: Jenelle McMaster is Deputy CEO Oceania and Markets Leader at EY.

Guest: Darren Burgess is Adelaide Football Club High Performance Director and Senior Consultant at EPP

Listen now: Apple Podcasts or Spotify or where ever you get your favourite podcasts.