In this episode of Chan with a Plan, Max Speaks with Christina Wallace, an author, and Senior Lecturer at Harvard Business School.

During this conversation Christina discusses her journey of living the portfolio life, using four pillars to build your portfolio, and how to practice failure.


“The idea of the portfolio life is simply that you can and should build a portfolio for your career, your hobbies, your community, your commitments that is diversified.”
“The challenge there is if you identify as your job. Your identity can be taken away from you, whether you're fired or you're laid off, or your entire industry disappears. If who you are is what you do, who you are is at risk.”
“Part of my identity was I am someone who succeeds. And the problem with that mentality, that narrative, is that if I am someone who succeeds and there's a chance that I might fail at something, I'm probably not going to try.”



[02:08] The Portfolio Life
[03:28] Christina’s journey
[08:31] Four pillars to create the portfolio life
[12:47] Failure can be good
[17:50] Building your narrative
[20:40] Business model for your life
[25:02] Having a well balanced portfolio
[32:03] Seeking your board of directors
[34:40] Director vs Partner
[36:23] Crafting your story
[39:19] Preparing for the future
[41:17] Adapting to AI
[43:55] Key takeaway



Christina Wallace on Social Media:The Portfolio Life

Chan With A Plan
Max Chan on Social Media