In this episode of Chan with a Plan, Max Speaks with Cassie Spencer, a career coach and podcast host of Happenstance. In this conversation, Cassie discusses the economic climate and layoffs, panic applying, and what happenstance is all about.


“You know, many people experience happenstance in terms of they maybe didn't necessarily plan on entering a specific field or industry, but a conversation or an opportunity led them onto a specific path that they didn't even know existed. But there they are.” – Cassie Spencer
“It's really important for people to take a little bit of time to get clear on what they're looking for and what they want and need out of that next job.” – Cassie Spencer
“With as much uncertainty we live in endlessly now. It’s important to always be prepared. The best thing that you can do in terms of that preparation is to start thinking about and paying attention to the companies that you're interested in, the types of roles that you're interested in, and starting to lay that groundwork.” – Cassie Spencer



[03:07] Why aren’t you getting good responses when you apply?
[05:12] “Easy Apply” on LinkedIn
[06:31] Strategies for effective applying
[12:11] Does the time of year you apply matter?
[14:59] Stay put or always be on the lookout when in a tolerable job?
[18:58] 2023 job search concerns
[21:31] Happenstance; what it means and how Cassie uses it
[29:12] How to start networking
[34:17] Overcoming fears
[38:17] Cassie’s big career challenge



Cassie Spencer on Social Media:
Happenstance podcast

Chan With A Plan
Max Chan on Social Media