Episode Summary:

After consistently delivering engaging episodes and being by your side week after week, it's time for a temporary pause. But before we step away, I wanted to dedicate this episode to explaining why this short break is happening.

In this candid and reflective episode, I delve into the reasons behind the break, and although It's been a journey filled with growth, learning, and connection, I delve into the reasons behind the break and that even the most dedicated podcasters need time to refresh and regenerate.

We are guaranteed to be back in September, in time for the big fall hiring season so we can equip you with the best tips possible to exceed in your job search and accelerate your career.

In the meantime, I invite you to explore previous episodes or connect with me on social media.

Thank you for being on this incredible journey with me. I can't wait to reconnect in September.

Until then, stay curious, stay engaged, and happy listening!